Collection: Jak Brewer

Landscapes have long been a subject of mankind’s affection; from primitive man’s awe of standing on a hill looking out to the mysterious and majestic distance with its sensuous land forms and beautiful skyscapes to our present longing for the beautiful and soothing vistas that are fast disappearing due to our greed and lack of understanding for the need to preserve our wondrous environment. Artists and craftsmen are attempting to capture this need for our souls to be part of the beauty of nature before we bulldoze, pave over, and pollute this paradise that the Great spirit has given us. I love and need Landscapes and I hope you do too.

Jak was an Exhibiting Member from 1974-2015.

Jak Brewer's Obituary.  Jak passed away on July 15, 2015.  He had been an exhibiting member since 1974.  Born in Baltimore, Jak grew up in Florida and received his bachelor's degree from the University of South Florida.  In 1968, he became a student of Mark Peiser's at the Penland School of Crafts, and soon thereafter set up his own studio in St. Petersburg.  Four years later Jak moved to the small mountain community of Zionville, NC, and built the studio where he worked.

Zionville, NC